Monday, November 01, 2004

The Ever-Costlier MBA Degree in US

Average tuition for a two-year program is now more than $60,000. Still, most students remain convinced that the rewards are worth the expense

Times were good when Sarah McNeilly earned her MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1998. She paid $51,000 for her two-year degree and then tripled her salary in her first post-MBA job as a consultant. Her partner, Nicolas Ioos, started the same MBA program in 2004, except two-year tuition had risen to $70,000. And, with the dot-com craze over, Ioos isn't guaranteed a big-bucks job when he graduates. "There's a certain window in which you do an MBA to have that positive financial [return on investment]," McNeilly says.



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